Recycling Albania

Duration: October 2023- Ongoing

Overview and objectives:

The agreement between the Municipality of Kamëz and Recycal – Recycling Albania for the collection of segregated recyclable materials, environmental education, and the competition for the best environmental performance among the 17 schools of the Municipality of Kamëz.

In addition to waste management efforts, the agreement also prioritizes environmental education as a cornerstone of community engagement and empowerment. Through targeted educational initiatives will have the opportunity to learn about the importance of recycling, the environmental impacts of waste generation, and practical tips for reducing their ecological footprint. By raising awareness and fostering a sense of environmental stewardship, these educational programs aim to instill lasting behavioral change and promote sustainable lifestyles.


  1. The educational sessions at 17 schools of Kamez Municipality.
  2. Separation of waste in the respective bins
  3. Collection and transport of waste for recycling
  4. Organize competitions among the 17 schools of Kamez Municipality to incentivize and recognize efforts towards environmental conservation and waste reduction